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Australian users - Window and door markers.

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Does anyone have or know where I could get a window and door maker that’s works properly for Australian windows and doors. This issue is driving me up the wall.

Australian standard for window numbers are height x width then the description of the window.

Sliding window that’s 1570 high x 1210 wide is commonly marked on plan as 15-12SW
Double hung window that is 1810 high x 610 wide is marked 18-06DH

Australian essentials library does this to a degree… problem being if you have a height or width over 50% of a round figure it rounds up 2.. what the...?
Meaning if I have a height or width of 1200 up to 1249, happy days, as it will mark it with a “12”… if I the height or width is 1250 up to 1299 it marks it with a 14… so if I have a 1260 x 1580 window I get a door marker of “14-17” when it should be 12-15… this is useless.. and even if it did work iv been told its getting removed in the essentials 12 library…

Then the “dimention marker” labels it a width x height with no description.. which it wrong and useless. Iv found a marker that will label height by width but no description…

So please, anyone know how to make this work without having to put manual text next to each window and door I insert

same with double doors.. if u have 2x820 doors, it marks it as “1640” instead of 2x820’s…

I don’t want to use ID markers and a schedule as it is a head ache for people who are looking at the plans.

I hope all that makes sense?

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Laslonagy has posted an object in the Object Depository that will show height x width or width x height, but I don't think it will do your DH or SW suffixes.

As a matter of interest what is the suffix for a window with multiple differing opening types? For example the image below shows a bi-fold door with double hung Shugg sidelights with fixed panels below.
Picture 1.png
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hey, yep already tried that marker from the "object depo". lack of suffixes is the only problem.

if the window or door ends up being something custom like that it usually gets the usual size then "custom".. which will point u to the schedules.

so basically a HxW plus custom/manual suffix input is what im chasing
as i can save all my standard windows and doors to favorites, with there related suffix…