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Can one object look to another object to see if it isrotated

Not applicable
Can objectA look at objetB to see if object B is rotated 90 degrees and if it is then go sub.. whatever?

Yep. It will depend on ObjectB having the ability to set a parameter OTHER THAN the global rotation. You can easily do this by making a hidden parameter, and in your parameter script use the line:
The fun part is then REQUESTing that parameter from another object:
xx=REQUEST("ASSOCLP_PARVALUE", "myRot", nameVar, typeVar, flagsVar, dim1Var, dim2Var, objectRotation) 
Most of these parameters that are returned are not needed. All you care is
 IF ABS(objectRotation) > 0
You could use IF objectRotation <> 0, but then you get that goofy "Real Number" warning.
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
Is xx the name of the object I want to see if it is rotated?

xx=REQUEST("ASSOCLP_PARVALUE", "myRot", nameVar, typeVar, flagsVar, dim1Var, dim2Var, objectRotation)

Not applicable
What I really what Archicad to do is to tell me the sq ft of finish on the walls and I thought maybe I could do this with the zone tag but the zone tag can't seem to separate out each wall surface. It gives me the total wall surface. I might have different finishes on one or more of the walls.

Thanks for the reply though. If any one can figure this out It would fabulous. Archicad could really make points with it's customers if the zones could do this? Another example of so close yet so far away!!!!

Thanks again
Michele wrote:
Is xx the name of the object I want to see if it is rotated?

xx=REQUEST("ASSOCLP_PARVALUE", "myRot", nameVar, typeVar, flagsVar, dim1Var, dim2Var, objectRotation)

Sorry, I wasn't more clear.

REQUEST is not a command itself. You have to make it part of a statement. In this case, xx is a jumk variable for that purpose. "ObjectRotation" will a variable that has the rotation of the object storied in it.
Tom Waltz
Michele wrote:
What I really what Archicad to do is to tell me the sq ft of finish on the walls and I thought maybe I could do this with the zone tag but the zone tag can't seem to separate out each wall surface. It gives me the total wall surface. I might have different finishes on one or more of the walls.

Thanks for the reply though. If any one can figure this out It would fabulous. Archicad could really make points with it's customers if the zones could do this? Another example of so close yet so far away!!!!

Thanks again
I always thought that would be nice, but we would need the ability to assign more information to the Material Attributes. I really would not want my material schedule to read "Paint - Whitewash" or some other name just because that's the name of it in the file. We would need settings for name, color, manufacturer, cost, and other settings.
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
I could make a material called P1 that would correspond to my material list that would list out all information. I just need the zone to be able to tell me the surface area of the north wall and of the south wall and of the east wall & west wall all separately. If the zone could list the areas of the walls separately than life would be great!!
