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Consistent eroor in my autoscripted object

I'm trying to make a simple lamp and gets an error message in the 3D view all the time. The code that's the problem is (in about 8 places):

result_113 = sweepgroup{2} ("group_112", -0.001732050807569, 0.001, 0)

What's the deal?

Also the white colour looks darker on the vertical surfaces...everything that's not glass in the image is white.

See attached image fo what I'm trying to make.
/Mats GDL-moron

AC 25 SWE Full

HP Zbook Fury 15,6 G8. 32 GB RAM. Nvidia RTX A3000.
Not applicable
Hello Mats,
It looks like the auto-script mechanism has shot itself in the foot.
It's interesting that the "sweepgroup{2}" command is not
mentioned in the AC 10 GDL reference manual.
You might try saving the project that contain the elements
you are trying to auto-script into AC 9 format, opening the
project in AC 9, and trying the auto-script in that version ?
Peter Devlin
Frank Beister
What's the exact error message?

Can you post the code passage?

Try this:

result_113 = sweepgroup ("group_112", -0.001732050807569, 0.001, 0)

The first version of the command has the same syntax. Maybe this works. Probably the difference is internal as RULED and RULED{2}.
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
F. wrote:
What's the exact error message?

Can you post the code passage?

Try this:

result_113 = sweepgroup ("group_112", -0.001732050807569, 0.001, 0)

The first version of the command has the same syntax. Maybe this works. Probably the difference is internal as RULED and RULED{2}.
Hi Frank,
I'm too lousy at GDL to understand whats happening.

Every line of code with the string above (result_XXXX....) gives an error message as attached.
The object is pretty simple!? A profiler object, some walls with empty window openings and some additional walls.
I tried to delete the {} but with no success.
I will try Peters advice tomorrow.
Thanks for helping me!
AC 25 SWE Full

HP Zbook Fury 15,6 G8. 32 GB RAM. Nvidia RTX A3000.
Peter wrote:
Hello Mats,
It looks like the auto-script mechanism has shot itself in the foot.
It's interesting that the "sweepgroup{2}" command is not
mentioned in the AC 10 GDL reference manual.
You might try saving the project that contain the elements
you are trying to auto-script into AC 9 format, opening the
project in AC 9, and trying the auto-script in that version ?
Peter Devlin
Worked of course in AC9...ahhhhhrg...
Thanks for the tip of doing it in v9!
AC 25 SWE Full

HP Zbook Fury 15,6 G8. 32 GB RAM. Nvidia RTX A3000.
Frank Beister
Have you compared both scripts? v10 <> v9? Whats the difference? Works the v9 scripted version in AC10?
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
F. wrote:
Have you compared both scripts? v10 <> v9? Whats the difference? Works the v9 scripted version in AC10?
I don't have the time to look deeper into this. I will do the stuff in AC9 in the future. I spent several hours of dearly precious night time to fix right now I don't want to GDL anything more...until Nottingham next week....😉
AC 25 SWE Full

HP Zbook Fury 15,6 G8. 32 GB RAM. Nvidia RTX A3000.
Not applicable
I have sen some problems in group operations in 10 that were not present in 9. This might be related.

See you next week in Nottingham, Mats.
Not applicable
Hello Mats,
I had made an assumption that once the object was successfully
auto-scripted in AC 9 it would work in AC 10.
I understand that you don't want to compare the two scripts
but could you answer Frank's other question.
Does the AC 9 auto-scripted object work in AC 10.
Thank you,
Peter Devlin
Peter wrote:
Hello Mats,
I had made an assumption that once the object was successfully
auto-scripted in AC 9 it would work in AC 10.
I understand that you don't want to compare the two scripts
but could you answer Frank's other question.
Does the AC 9 auto-scripted object work in AC 10.
Thank you,
Peter Devlin
OKi, the AC9 autoscripted object works in AC10...
AC 25 SWE Full

HP Zbook Fury 15,6 G8. 32 GB RAM. Nvidia RTX A3000.