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2003-12-16 04:12 AM
2003-12-19 03:32 PM
Jeffrey wrote:Graphisoft DID do something... They helped GDL Central get started. GDL central took to the streets and tried to rally the manufacturer's to produce GDL objects.
IMNSHO GS should not be scripting objects at all. They should however be marketing its products, more aggressively than they currently have been and currently are, to manufacturers of building products, furniture, etc. If GS can't see the advantages to the manufacturer (not to mention itself) in using its products, how are they going to be able to persuade them to provide their offering in a GDL library format-!? I probably have over a million dwg/dxf drawings of specific manufactured items and I've never received a single one created by Autodesk. If GS really believes in the concept they pioneered why can't they get this going? Personally I don't think they have another 20 years to ponder the future of their concept. The ArchiCAD vs Revit (whoever) issue is going to be won in the real world; whoever has the most support (Family? Libraries or GDL Libraries) will eventually move to the top of the most poplar CAD list regardless how much the program may draw into the mouth with a force produced by movement of the lips and tongue.
This remains the single most neglected area by GS if they don't do something soon another BIM type application will. The longer they sit and wait for their "big bang" marketing theory to happen they'll find themselves choking on the dust of someone else who actually believed in the solutions they have to offer.
2003-12-19 10:11 PM
Jeffrey wrote:I couldn't agree more with Jeffrey on this! I just don't get this obcession with the evangelist of GDL on this forum to almost insist everyone using AC should learn how to use GDL, to what end I ask?
IMNSHO GS should not be scripting objects at all. They should however be marketing its products, more aggressively than they currently have been and currently are, to manufacturers of building products, furniture, etc. If GS can't see the advantages to the manufacturer (not to mention itself) in using its products, how are they going to be able to persuade them to provide their offering in a GDL library format-!?.
This remains the single most neglected area by GS if they don't do something soon another BIM type application will. The longer they sit and wait for their "big bang" marketing theory to happen they'll find themselves choking on the dust of someone else who actually believed in the solutions they have to offer.
2003-12-19 11:58 PM
2003-12-20 12:20 AM
vfrontiers wrote:GS has informed me that GDL Alliance is only interested in the "over $100,000.00 projects" even though the majority of manufacturers of products that are frequently used don't have a library large enough to warrant that size of an investment. Let's also mention the objects that had been created in the past, though free to the users have always been under tight guard of GDL Central and EVERY manufacturer I've contacted whose objects were available were/are completely unaware of their existence or of ArchiCAD either. The latest being Trus Joist they loaded me up with AutoCAD compatible and their own generic software at Build Boston but were clueless about the availability of the ArchiCAD library, further phone calls resulted with the same response. It seems apparent to me that GS was unable to obtain the order that was discussed on e-scribe not too long ago. Can anyone verify?
Graphisoft DID do something... They helped GDL Central get started. GDL central took to the streets and tried to rally the manufacturer's to produce GDL objects.
vfrontiers wrote:I commend the effort but fail to see any real progress in the area of manufacturers awareness of the solutions available to them or the availability of their products as GDL libraries.
A few of us formed the GDL Alliance to spearhead a "grass roots" level involvement in the evolution of the mass use of GDL. The GDL adapter for AutoCAD was created as well as the ability to showcase GDL objects ONLINE.
vfrontiers wrote:I had a building products distributer who was interested in having its entire building products catalog available as GDL objects, their product line includes everything from complete lines of interior and exterior doors, windows, mantels, trim, columns, cupolas, weathervanes, stair parts,... the list goes on. This company is over 110 years old because it knows how to market building products. When I explained the VB concept and demonstrated how it works they immediately saw the potential of generating NEW business by being able to offer these objects, especially if they could be one of the first companies that were to offer such an extensive and complete library. Being unable to develop such an extensive library single handedly I contacted GS and was left hanging by each person I contacted. If I were to post the reply from the person who indicated that "he, if anyone, would be the person to make this happen" , he would be out of a job, or I would at least hope so. Any company who had a product that they believed was the best solution for OUR MARKET (not just architects) and were trying to expand market-share wouldn't think twice about showing him the door. His reply to me indicated that he has no confidence in himself, GS or the people around him to make a successful attempt of promoting the solutions offered by GSs products.
These movements NEED your support! If no one cries for these things to get done directly to the manufacturer's, they are only left to assume that no one needs them!
vfrontiers wrote:Manufacturers spend tens of thousands of dollars for the printed and CAD materials they send you, free of charge. Why could this not happen with GDL?
Lastly, these objects will NOT be free. I don't believe, as others have stated, that it is up to GS to define the CONTENT. They should take advantage of the TOOL nature of GDL and give us BEROL templates without having to be so specific. Of course, I believe they should not put out 2nd rate cr_ _, I mean, STUFF either. Many of the items are just to "ametuer" to use in a professional plan.
vfrontiers wrote:I script objects from scratch, so what-!? This is not the issue. If someone will produce a .3ds and offer it for free again what the problem with gsm. This board is primarily comprised of architects & designers that work for architectural & design firms this program is marketed to them that it will allow you to do what you do best and do it quickly and efficiently.
So, if you want to take advantage of the millions of .3ds stuff already available, learn how to code a few simple material calls [it really is easy] and get on with life. [ not a dig]. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for someone else to do it!
vfrontiers wrote:Our time is worth something, when is GS going to acknowledge this?
Check out OBJECTS ONLINE [surely your time is worth something!] or the other GDL Object Rings [they were posted here some time ago]. Take a look at GDL Central or www.GDLAlliance.com.
2003-12-20 10:43 AM
I couldn't agree more with Jeffrey on this! I just don't get this obcession with the evangelist of GDL on this forum to almost insist everyone using AC should learn how to use GDL, to what end I ask?Taking this over to the GDL section for a gentle response...
2003-12-20 10:51 AM
I couldn't agree more with Jeffrey on this! I just don't get this obcession with the evangelist of GDL on this forum to almost insist everyone using AC should learn how to use GDL, to what end I ask?Rather than take the interesting and useful "Converting non AC Objects..." off on a tangent, I thought I'd start another thread here to gently respond to rm's anti-GDL rant.
2003-12-20 04:14 PM
David wrote:I hope you don't mind that I joined the threads again, David, in both forums.
Rather than take the interesting and useful "Converting non AC Objects..." off on a tangent, I thought I'd start another thread here to gently respond to rm's anti-GDL rant.
I don't mean to evangelize, honest. I have friends who refuse to use a computer at all and that's fine. Everybody has their own way of working. But that's the point. That's why I learned a little bit of GDL.Quite agreed. If your way of working includes scooping up free surface models off the Web, DXF and/or 3DS most of them, then you should AT LEAST invest some time to learn how to tweak them. Also, you are going to spend time for the regeneration of multiple polygons that could be represented with one line of GDL (the famous sphere example).
2003-12-20 05:32 PM
2003-12-20 06:58 PM
"vfrontiers" wrote:
Hmmm.... I would also like to add that I
We (gdl alliance) fought for and finally got the GDL ADAPTER technology to be available to the masses. It may be too late. It is just not catching on as hoped. The idea being that if we introduce our GDL smart objects to AUTOCAD users, the community at large would self populate and GDL would be the language of choice. This is struggling.
Duane, this qoute of yours hits the nail on the head. If business does not bring to it customers what the customer needs, the market shifts, and customers go else where.
The internet really is a useful tool, unfortunately many abuse it to launch unsubstatied claims or commentaries against fellow users.....case in point...
David Collins wrote
"Rather than take the interesting and useful "Converting non AC Objects..." off on a tangent, I thought I'd start another thread here to gently respond to rm's anti-GDL rant. "
David you started out fine, but why do you think I am anti-GDL? I think GDL is great, and if you produce an object that is worth buying for my projects, I WILL buy it and use it. Because, now listen closely, I choose to expend my time in buidling design as opposed to building library parts, which is where my God given skills are best used doesn't mean I'm anti-GDL.
This may come to some surprise to many of the authors to this thread......but I actually do, and often, what Duane describes in the quote below. Man, I must be bi-polar about GDL!
Duane Wrote
'Hmmm.... I would also like to add that I am currently creating MANY one-off objects using slabs and other elements saved as a GDL object. I am sure everyone KNOWs that this can be done and it is getting not only easier but allows for much greater flexibility and creativity than before. "
This thread started out with a simple question by me about converting .dwg or .3ds parts with selectable parameters, and if GS was creating an easy way to do so that didn't require knowledge of GDL. A simple NO would have done.
Instead, many of you chose to lecture me about my misplaced priorties in not chosing to learn GDL (scripting) . I asked for help, not backhanded "advice" about running a my office.
I could go on for weeks about how so many architects today give away services, and how many architects are hacks and don't understand the principals of scale, massing, proportion, volume, or have the ability to run a viable profitable practice.......but darn they can design a good GDL library part.
My point, to those interested, keep making parts as good as those by Alfaville (no I don't have any affiliation, but yes they have my money).... and I keep buying them.
If, and only if, the market for good parts expands, we can all go on hopefully making money with the use of this software......
Rember Sony Betamax, superior to VHS, but couldn't keep market share and DIED! Try to look at the big picture, SOM, Perkins & Will, HOK, are large firms that use the other guys software. Part of the reason, they can buy add-ons, and virtually any 3D library part that they want, without investing in employees that have to design the objects for them! Thats reality.......the market makes the rules, not small boutique vertical business models.
Think what you will, but you can bank on this, NEVER will learning GDL scripting become part of what the vast majority of firms using AC will employ in their daily operations. Heck, look at how few of firms using AC actually model their entire buildings in 3D........and you know (Evangelist) how EASY it is to model a building in AC.
So drink a cup of reality.......and start making realistic objects that your willing to sell, send me a jpeg, if I think I can use it, I promise I will buy it.
......ok, I'm out of breath for now!
Architects Design Forum, Ltd.
2003-12-20 07:28 PM
rm wrote:NO
This thread started out with a simple question by me about converting .dwg or .3ds parts with selectable parameters, and if GS was creating an easy way to do so that didn't require knowledge of GDL. A simple NO would have done.
Instead, many of you chose to lecture me about my misplaced priorties in not chosing to learn GDL (scripting) . I asked for help, not backhanded "advice" about running a my office.I am sure no offense was intended; your initial question sparked IMHO a very valuable discussion. And I would not put advice under quotation marks?
Think what you will, but you can bank on this, NEVER will learning GDL scripting become part of what the vast majority of firms using AC will employ in their daily operations. Heck, look at how few of firms using AC actually model their entire buildings in 3D........and you know (Evangelist) how EASY it is to model a building in AC.Some would call this a business opportunity? The GDL is easier than. say, LISP - and I do know for a fact that quite a bit of large firms do employ people who work as LISP writers. Big firms also employ people to work as visualizers. Once upon a time, I knew quite a few people making good living doing watercolor perspectives. As you said, it is the demand of the market - if, I say IF, GDL becomes the standard 3D language, than this will happen.
So drink a cup of reality.......and start making realistic objects that your willing to sell, send me a jpeg, if I think I can use it, I promise I will buy it.The reality check is usually the most painful thing one can do to oneself - or one's practice or outlook. It is also very healthy ...