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About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.

Custom Door Panel

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Hi guys, I have made a hundred custom door panels and never had a problem- but in one project I make the panel, save it as a custom component, and I get the dialogue that says it will show up where it is suposed to , like I did it correctly, but when I go to my leaf settings and pick my custom panel there are no options to select from.

Any ideas, i understand this isa bit vague but that is all that is happening.
Not applicable
We went through and checked and since we deleted everything "Graphisoft" from our computers ealier there is no cache folder we can find.
But, thank you.
Oh- and the Macro replacement I think was taked care of when we reinstalled adn updated the libraries.
Not applicable
Still no luck for me either - I have big gaping holes where my two custom doors should be. I't also appears that even if make sure the two custom door objects are loaded in another file, they don;t show up if I try to use them for a door in that file either - I just get the check mark.
Almost 6 years later and many threads about this topic, this problem continues. I have seen some issues going around for about a decade!

Graphisoft, please help. I know new tools are an important part of development, but you are really neglecting fixes in so many other areas of the application. Please listen to your customers. The more productive we are, the better you do!
Diego Torres
Architect-CG Artist
Architectural Concepts and Visualizations
ArchiCAD 4.55 - 24