2010-09-27 04:32 PM
2010-09-28 03:29 PM
if bDrawer then drawer_h=0.13 else drawer_h=0 endifWhere bDrawer is the parameter variable for turning on the drawer, and drawer_h is the height (0.13 is metric, so the Imperial equivalent is 5.12"). You could simply substitute 6" for 0.13 (if you use the feet and inch indicators, ArchiCAD will interpret the measure as Imperial rather than metric). If you wanted to make the drawer height parametric you could add the drawer_h as the variable for a new parameter in the main library part window and alter the Master Script.
2010-09-28 03:43 PM
2010-09-29 03:05 PM
2012-02-01 06:23 PM