2016-07-03 12:57 AM
IF GLOB_VIEW_TYPE = 2 THEN !do only in 2D IF firstRun THEN !parameter that allow to run code only once ch = OPEN ("DateTime", "", "%Y/%m/%d, %H:%M%P") n = INPUT (ch, "", "", date) CLOSE (ch) parameters firstRun = 0 !prevents running code again parameters date = date ENDIF ENDIF
2016-07-04 03:10 AM
IF GLOB_VIEW_TYPE = 2 THEN !do only in 2D IF firstRun = 0 THEN !parameter that allow to run code only once ch = OPEN ("DateTime", "", "%Y/%m/%d, %H:%M%P") n = INPUT (ch, "", "", date) CLOSE (ch) parameters firstRun = 1 !prevents running code again parameters date = date ENDIF ENDIFBecause the default value for 'firstRun' if not set will already be zero.
2016-07-04 08:50 PM