Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2024-10-30 02:40 PM - edited 2024-10-30 02:45 PM
There is a duplicate object (Tolerance.gsm) when following Option 1 instructions for Archicad 28 Migration.
Operating system used: Mac Apple Silicon Sonoma 14.6.1
2024-11-08 04:42 PM
Hi @Magdolna Marosvari and All,
This seems a huge task with many possible pitfalls, especially for someone who isn't the original author of these libraries. We can't even see the contents of the libpak files in the File Manager without extracting them, much less understand which files and macros are called by which other parts.
This is far more difficult than even producing the subset Migration Libraries for each version of ArchiCAD (which I did for our market for AC6.5 through 10, at which point GS kindly took it over, which was easier for them without the reverse engineering and trial and error I was going through. lol But I was paid by the local reseller by the hour to do this each year.)
We really should not expect architecture firms to float this kind of overhead for their BIM Managers to figure this out and implement it, company by company. I hope Graphisoft, with their deep understanding of GDL and the library legacies, will do this heavy lifting again for all of us. Just use a different Main ID in the GUIDs of localized parts that are actually different, and we'll be able to collaborate internationally without missing parts or duplicates.
Sorry if I'm missing something.
2024-11-13 04:39 PM
I tried to follow your instructions but none of the parts in the Library Packages load if they are in a folder and I try to load the folder as a monolithic library.
Here is what tried:
This results in 386 missing parts.
Indeed, the only parts that load while in the monolithic folder, are the ones in the LCF.
What am I doing wrong?
2024-11-14 02:44 PM
Hi @Ransom Ratcliff ,
The steps you were doing are almost perfect. One thing: when you want to load the content of ArchiCAD Libpacks USA 28 folder do it in a way that you select all the libpacks within the folder with Cmd + A.
Regarding your previous message about the arrangement of the packages: There are multiple arrangement needs from users contradicting each other. Picking a certain arrangement would have deprived a group of users having them arranged in a way necessary for them. That's why we went for providing the liberty of arrangement. This doesn't mean that the thinking has to stop here, we see your point.
Best regards,
2024-11-19 10:00 PM
Hi @Magdolna Marosvari ,
Thank you, that last bit of clarification was really helpful. Question: is we create these custom folder and move/copy the libpacks there, will they be automatically updated in the future since their folder path has been changed? Or the updates will happened only to the original libpack folder and we have to copy the updated packs in our custom folders?
2024-12-14 01:53 PM
Well said. I was working on our 28 template and part of the exercise, (as with earlier releases), was the have a clean library report, free of any duplicates or missing objects. No need to repeat what was already said quite accurately.
(I think an archicad professional named Ransom taught me several best practices about twenty years ago!)
Joe A.
(since 8.0)
3 weeks ago
@Magdolna Marosvari, I was just today doing some template work and see that the Tolerance duplicate bug is still with us despite a recent library update. This is really sloppy and unprofessional. Most of us experienced users strive for Zero library errors, which is a goal that should be shared and promoted by Graphisoft as well. Thanks.
2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks ago
We have our own DWG translator file loaded from the server, I removed the AC28 DXF-DWG In-Out apx from the Add-Ons folder on C:drive. This resolved the duplicates of course but creates a missing export element for publishing, for which I was not able to replace with our own. Now, how to edit the original apx file in order to remove the duplicate?
Update: Should have known there wouldn't be a simple fix. Thought it would be easier to replace the APX file than edit the LCF lib.
Update: So going back to Ransoms original solution: I unpacked the Object Lib 27 lcf , removed the Tolerance object then re-packed the lib and re-uploaded to the BIM. No issues & no duplicates.
2 weeks ago
I have had nothing but problems with the new library packages.
Firstly migrating any favourites and objects from the Monolithic 27 library to the 28 Library packages was an absolute nightmare, with either missing or duplicate objects. All door and window favourites for example had to be recreated as they used the labels that were now missing.
CI Tools Launchpad and Favourtie converter did help, but not with the doors and window labels.
Now working in teamwork, I have found loading the 40+ packages just destroys load time for files, as it believe it checks the consistency of your local TW data libraries with what is on the BIMcloud / servers, so doing this 40+ time compared with 1 is painfully slow. Like 30s load vs 5minutes (I'm not sure if there is another issue that I am unaware of)
I have managed to create a Monolithic library by exporting every library package to a local file and then reorganising the folders, this appears to have fixed the load time of teamwork files.
To say I am frustrated and disappointed with the release of Archicad 28 is the biggest understatment I could make
2 weeks ago
Hi Magdolna
It would be great if you could simply load a folder with all the individual packages that you wanted, I think this would be the best of both Monolithic and Packaged library system
2 weeks ago
Obviously correct!
File Management 101.
I’ve been doing ArchiCAD Tech Support non-stop since 1997.
Regardless of the stats GS was getting from its Test Track database over the years, I am still convinced that most of the problems that users had, were caused by library loading errors. Many of these manifested as different problems, strange instabilities and crashes! So they were miss-categorized.
A couple weeks ago, one of my clients had over 8 GB of Embedded Library content in a large Teamwork project. Most of it was duplicates. And more was junk that shouldn’t even be loaded once.
We’ve done really large federal projects in ArchiCAD 8.1 and later, (including AutoCAD MEP) and the computers of that time, but no amount of modern computer power can overcome bad practices today.
I have said since ArchiCAD 5.1 that good localization for the North American market would lead to trouncing Autodesk. They have their Achilles heel, and ArchiCAD is an ideal tool, at its core, to leverage that advantage.
We made great progress towards that in AC 7.0. But the ArchiCAD Library still needed a lot of work to get the content that any American would buy at Home Depot.
Now after all these years, it seems that Graphisoft had decided that annual library localization is too expensive. This is a retreat. And not a strategic retreat, at that!
Dear Friends, help us help you.