Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2005-01-11 07:16 PM
DO n = INPUT (ch1, i, 1, keynote) IF n > 0 AND VARTYPE (keynote) = 2 THEN sarray...which I am later in the script trying to retrieve:= keynote j = j + 1 ENDIF i = i + 1 WHILE n > 0
i = 1 FOR i = 1 to arrayLength split_char = ",," ! Two commas, field delimeter keynote = sarray test_text = keynote txlen = STRLEN (keynote) tx_split = STRSTR (keynote, split_char) IF tx_split > 0 THEN ! If there is a Split Character found keynote_num = STRSUB(keynote, 1, tx_split-1) keynote_text = STRSUB(keynote, tx_split+2, txlen) ELSE keynote_num = keynote keynote_text = " " ENDIF GOSUB 110 GOSUB 120 NEXT iSubroutines 110 and 120 actualy try to process the text to place it on the drawing.
2005-01-12 11:32 PM