James wrote:
They work, but it's bumpy. The big bump I've noticed is that you can't have coinciding X & Y editing pairs; only the first scripted one will work. If they're separate they both work, really inelegantly. I've also had trouble making a switch using a two-item value list, but I'm not sure that wasn't my fault...
Hi James,
I got exactly the same result you describe, graphical hotspots in labels work erratically.
I have tried to declare my first unique identifier uid = 6, or uid = 10 to be more secure. This doesn't change anything.
I have tried to put the hotspots inside or outside the bounding box, no more success.
It works only with one XY hotspot, for the second results are uncorrect.
If i use only X or Y hotspots, this can do the trick.
Of course, I avoid to make the stretchy hotspots coincide with the bounding box ones, they will lock.
Labels don't like graphical hotspots, no more list values in UI (OSX feature, it seems).