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Half Round Window with Sunburst w/out Sun

Not applicable
Why is it that the Out of the Box AC windows "almost " work for what I Want.

I am looking for a Half Round Window with Sunburst w/out Sun.



While there are a number of commercially available windows that would work (like D3 SmartParts, Residential Library, et al.) http://tr.graphisoftus.com has a free downloadable Andersen D&W library (under Archicad-Related) which has an arched top window that may work for you.
Richard Morrison, Architect-Interior Designer
AC26 (since AC6.0), Win10
The SE Library does have it. From http://tr.graphisoftus.com/welcome.asp .
Not applicable
Richard, Thanks for the Reminder about the Anderson Library.

I had the extracted the Library onto my Hard drive back in July 2005.

I copied the Anderson Macro Folder into my project specific folder as well as a few of the 200 and 400 series Specialty windows. The 400 elliptical looked to be the answer, but this window is hard coded to only two sizes. I need a 5' wide by 2' tall elliptical.

Actually most all of the anderson windows are Stock Sizes and do not seem customizable.

Ignacio, Also thank you for the SE info......... but.......... I really have wasted already many days on that Library. In attempting to get windows that are trimmed out the way we do, I get multiple errors. You've got me curious though, so I will try it out one more time....
Not applicable
Actually loading the SE Library along side the standard AC9 Library results in many Duplicate Library Parts, Many Duplicate names and one Multiple Version (MSA anchor bolt with the same GUID).

I though that the libraries could be loaded along side each other. Did not they rename the parts for the SE Library.

Also get a Master GDLAC Warning.
Not applicable
Here is were Karl says:
"The 9 and SE9 libraries should not be loaded in their entirety together. The concept that one can load 9 parts alongside SE9 parts is to support forwards migration. So, you should be loading a 9 SUBSET library with SE9. Create your subset by creating a PLA of the migrating project. Then open the PLA with the option to extract the parts to a folder on your disk. Close the file. Clean up the folder on the disk to contain only the 9 parts. Now load the project and in Library Manager, load that subset folder and the full SE9 folder."
Problem here is that I DO NOT want to migrate the project to SE (as much as I wish I could, the SE Library is not working for us). Looks like I need to open the SE pla and Extract to folders an hunt for the window I want and any required macros. Any help in the Hunt?
Rakela Raul

check libs on jan 4, 2006
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
Not applicable
No Need to Hunt.......

While it is true that the SE Arched window has the Sunburst 5 Option. I have to confess now that it is not a TRUE Half Round Arch that I am after, but a "Eyebrow" Type. And neither of the AC9 libraries contain Sash options in the Eyebrow type windows. Andersen is the closest, but this is an As-built plan that I am creating and need a 5' x 2' Arch. I can here the response, "just make your own window", you know WALLHOLE stuff. but what about the trim. Is there a window that would receive the glass and sash (if I made it) as a Custom Panel?

For now I am using the W Eyebrows Fix from the standard AC9 Library and "faking" in the Sash with RafterSpec2_1 & Column tools.