Hello Kliment,
I downloaded your windoor 01.gsm and edited it so that it has
editable oversizing. Fortunately, this was easy because it needed
a rectangular opening so the wallhole command is not necessary and so
you can comment it out by putting exclamation points in front of each
line of the wallhole command. In the details window, no formula is necessary,
but simply type in the X+ field "ac_right_oversize", in the X- field type in
ac_left_oversize, in the Y+ field type in ac_upper_oversize, and in the
Y- field type in ac_lower_oversize. I am explaining this in case I am
unable to attach the edited version of "windoor 01.gsm" successfully.
If a window or door has a non rectangular shape then it will need
a wallhole command and that command will need special GDL editing.
Peter Devlin