Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2009-11-10 11:05 AM
HOTSPOT 0, 0, 0 HOTSPOT A, 0, 0 HOTSPOT A, B, 0 HOTSPOT 0, B, 0 HOTSPOT 0, 0, zzyzx HOTSPOT A, 0, zzyzx HOTSPOT A, B, zzyzx HOTSPOT 0, B, zzyzx HOTSPOT A/2, B/2, zzyzx ! Walls material mat_walls BLOCK A, B, zzyzx ! Roof !material mat_roof IF r_type = "Pitch" THEN ! Pitched Roof ADDz zzyzx ROTx 90 cPRISM_ mat_walls, mat_walls, mat_roof, 4, -B, 0,0,15, A/2,r_height,15, A,0,15, 0,0,15 IF r_overhang > 0 THEN material mat_roof ADDz r_overhang PRISM 9, -(B + (2*r_overhang)), 0,0, -r_overhang,0, -r_overhang,r_overhang, A/2,r_total_height+r_overhang, A+r_overhang,r_overhang, A+r_overhang,0, A, 0, A/2,r_height, 0,0 DEL 1 ENDIF DEL 2 ENDIFIt works fine unless r_overhang is anything other than 0 - then all of a sudden it stops being stretchable. Any ideas why this might happen?
2009-11-10 12:49 PM