you can add this parameters by yourself:
1. Insert on the Plan one object of the same type from the standard AC library
2. Select it and go to menu File/Libraries and Objects/Open Object...
3. A new window (Parameters) opens on the screen, scroll it down and you will find parameters that you need.
4. Now pick on Plan view and repeat the point 2, now with your Object selected (object from the standard AC library is still Opened!)
5. Rearrange the 2 windows on the screen to see them at the same time
6. In the window of your object insert a New Parameter (pick the button NEW) and type in their respective fields: Variable "gs_list_cost", Type "Abc", Name "Cost", Value "xx.xx$"......
7. Repeat the point 6 for all new parameters you need
8. When you have done close the window and select SAVE to add these parametere to your object
9. Now these new added parameters will be available in your Schedule (pick the button "Additional Parameters..." and find your Object, then select the parameters to add to the schedule)