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I want to make a new Filltype, but ...problems occur

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I want to make a filltype to reflect the vertical panel I have on my wall at home. I do this: Options>Element Attributes>Fill types
I chose the "Plank Floor" from the list, press New-button, give it a new name and keep duplicate.
In the "big square" I get vertical stripes when I change the angle to 90.
I click OK.
Then I try to use this in a new material, but the stripes are still horizontal, not vertical. So how can I make this change?
David Maudlin

This should work as you described. Did you assign the new fill to the correct material in the Materials Settings dialog box? In which window are you viewing the wall (3D, Elevation, Section)? Did you change the material assignment for the correct face of the wall? You could also use the Align 3D Texture command, but this should not be necessary given your description.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
Not applicable
Now I noticed the Screen-only-pattern. When I changed it, the content in the small square (by the name), changed. And the big square seem fine.
I've taken a screen shot of the Filltype picture.
The filltype is put under Vectorial fills in the material list. The small picture here has vertical stripes, as it should. In the new material I dublicate something with horizontal stripes. I chose the new filltype and a new color. I store the new material to a new name.
Then I selct the wall. I change the wall settings to the new material.
I use a camera and select Show Selection Marquee
Put the panel is still horizontal and have another color then I wanted.
Frustrating ..
Not applicable

The screen-only pattern wont affect output. It is only there for identification and to display a simplified version of the fill if you need to switch of vectorial fills for performance reasons.

I bet you haven't rotated the texture of your new material, and this is what you are seeing in the 3d window. The vectorial fill only appears in the Internal Engine powered 3d window, 3d documents and on elevations/sections. The faster opengl window only displays textures.

Rotate the material in the material settings dialog box. Don't forget to click 'match with internal engine' in the lightworks setup area to ensure renders look the same.

Hope you get it sorted!
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You were right in your bet. I had not rotated the texture. So I put 90 in one of the boxes. The big square did not change. But the wall in 3d changed. I didn't find this 'Match with Internal Engine' at first, but below the Lightworks Engine I could find it.
But, now I focuse on another problem. The color I give the material are not reflected on the wall in 3d. I even try to give it a shock pink color, but my wall is still dull gray. Any advice ??
David Maudlin

You should post screen shots of the 3D Window and Material Settings dialog box for the material you are editing. I think you are confusing which material attributes will appear under Hidden Line vs. OpenGL vs. Photorendering, but we are just guessing as we cannot see what you are seeing.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
Not applicable
Here is my material setting dialog box. I would like to know more about the Hidden Line vs. OpenGL vs. Photorendering. Do you have a link that point to some article that give me an overview of this tings?
David Maudlin

Go to Help > ArchiCAD Help, after your browser opens, click the Search tab and input "3D Window Settings" in the search box, repeat with "PhotoRendering". The Material you posted has "Transparency" checked under Texture, this will work for a PhotoRendering, but not in OpenGL.


David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
Not applicable
Thank you very much. Now I eventually managed to see the shockpink color on my wall. I will read more of this information I found, so I can get more control of my surfaces.
David Maudlin

I'm glad you got a handle on how materials show in different environments, very helpful to using ArchiCAD efficiently.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14