Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2004-04-08 07:09 PM
~/archiben wrote:This has been one of my boggles especially since some of the projects have been started in one version and continue in another with objects from both version used, or new objects being added, etc. And no, it's not only a mac thing.
on a general note, i do think that the whole library process needs a complete overhaul:
- ...
- why do we have to reload the entire library set when just adding a library to the current set (maybe mac only?)
2004-04-09 05:46 PM
Sergio wrote:No, I think this is a good place to start a thread...~/archiben wrote:But I suppose this is a discussion for another thread.
on a general note, i do think that the whole library process needs a complete overhaul:
- ...
- why do we have to reload the entire library set when just adding a library to the current set (maybe mac only?)
2004-04-10 06:31 AM
"Richard Schlangen wrote:
We can change the subject line of the thread like in e-scribe? Or Djordje can move it to a more appropriate area...
2004-04-10 01:52 PM
2004-04-10 10:19 PM
Matthew wrote:Would you like to write further on this as an article for the GDL Cookbook - Please?????
There are two issues with the object libraries, well actually three now that I think about it.
2. Figuring out how to use the part once you find it.
It is often very difficult to figure out whether a library part will do what you want or how it does what it does. Trying out different parameters to see what happens can be very tedious, especially if you end up finding that you can't get it to do what you want. What is needed is some standard form of help or instructions that at least show the plan & 3D views of the part along with descriptions of what the various parameters do. (I have some further ideas on this which I will post later if I have the time.)
2004-04-11 12:17 AM
david wrote:It would be my pleasure. How much and how soon?
Would you like to write further on this as an article for the GDL Cookbook - Please?????
2004-04-11 05:20 PM
Matthew wrote:I am open to edit and print any contributions especially on areas where i am not so strong, eg File I/O (Laurent godel wrote that bit for the last edition in 2000). but he seems to be out of GDL now.david wrote:It would be my pleasure. How much and how soon?
Would you like to write further on this as an article for the GDL Cookbook - Please?????
PS. I'll even throw in a surprise widget for the CD.
2004-04-12 05:11 PM
Matthew wrote:
There are two issues with the object libraries, well actually three now that I think about it.
1. Searching libraries for the part you need.
This requires improved ways to organize, browse and search for library parts. This has improved in 8.1 with the view by subtype option, and I trust we will see this improvement continue. It would be nice if there were also some structure for assigning and searching by keywords. The preview icon needs to be fixed so that it is visible in the Mac Finder (as it is in Windows Explorer).
2. Figuring out how to use the part once you find it.
It is often very difficult to figure out whether a library part will do what you want or how it does what it does. Trying out different parameters to see what happens can be very tedious, especially if you end up finding that you can't get it to do what you want. What is needed is some standard form of help or instructions that at least show the plan & 3D views of the part along with descriptions of what the various parameters do. (I have some further ideas on this which I will post later if I have the time.)
3. Keeping track of the parts used in the project.
This one is easily solved by one of my other wishes (Unified Project File Types). By making the PLN function as a PLA with the project library embedded in project file, many problems are solved (though there are also some significant issues of version management and macro loading to address): The project cannot be fouled up by loading the wrong library or because a change is made to one of the library parts used; The project file becomes truly and easily portable (just copy the file to your laptop to take to the client meeting); And project backup and archiving becomes automatic without the need to remember to save as PLA.
2004-04-12 11:50 PM
2004-04-13 04:57 AM