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Need Help Customize Dimension Marker for Windows and Doors

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Is there a way you can pull specific data in from a window or door object to reflect change in a dimension marker. I have made a marker to type out the width and height easily. Is there a way to add text like "single" or "double" when the window or door object parameter list "single" or Double" Can anyone help please.

(DBL.) 3'-0"x6'-8" or
(D.H.) 2'-8"x6'-0"
w/1'-0" Trans.

Frank Beister
This should be possible with the command: numb=REQUEST ("ASSOCLP_PARVALUE", parameter_ask, parameter_answer, type, status, dim1, dim2, result).

Have a look to
this tread and this one.
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
Not applicable
Thank you very much for the help. I got it to work

Here is a break down to help someone else of my level. If something is missing let me know. I am very new to all of this.

1: the door object has a drop down list to choose from
(The variable name of the drop down list is swing_type)
No Door
double acting single

2: I want to display the above selected text in the Dimension marker object

3: In the Dimension marker object:

[In Master Script I typed the following]

anyname= REQUEST ("ASSOCLP_PARVALUE", "swing_type",index, type, flags, dim1, dim2, val_dtp)

[In the 2D Script I typed the following]

text2 0,1, val_dtp

the 0,1 are just a quick X,Y placements of the text to see your results

In your preview screen you will only see 0
Once you open the door object and place in your drawing you will see the added text
Single, Double etc... you selected in the door object.

Hope this is a simple understanding for someone else in need of help
I also found this helpful as well.
thank you for the thread
Frank Beister
If you use different windows the parameter-name "swing_type" may be different too. For this you could check out all possible windows for their specific parameter names and differ between by using

sts=REQUEST ("ASSOCLP_NAME", "", object_name), which brings up the associated object name. By a simple IF-THEN it will work with more windows.
  IF object_name="window1" THEN stsR= REQUEST ("ASSOCLP_PARVALUE", "swing_type",index, type, flags, dim1, dim2, val_dtp) 
  IF object_name="window2" THEN stsR= REQUEST ("ASSOCLP_PARVALUE", "opening_type",index, type, flags, dim1, dim2, val_dtp) 
You should use the results of the REQUEST. In my code STS and STS1. They are zero, if there is no parameter with this name to request from. In this case val_dtp could become/keep numeric and you maybe run in 2D into an error
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
Not applicable
I see. Makes great sense. This also allows you to combine windows and doors with one marker.

Thanks for your help.