2010-02-09 07:31 PM
2010-02-10 04:51 PM
Cleverbeans wrote:Did you try my free Label Everything? download here.
the GDL REQUEST statement is a pain however so I want to avoid it if possible.
2010-02-10 05:02 PM
2010-02-10 06:04 PM
Master wrote:Ok, so I could build a new parameter and have it label that way, but it doesn't help with the find/select process unfortunately.
Did you try my free Label Everything? download here.
2010-02-10 09:40 PM
2010-02-10 10:04 PM
Master wrote:This it what I'm doing now, it's cumbersome and annoying to have to create a schedule every time I want to find a few elements. I guess I'll have to live with it.
For the Find and Select-part you might want to consider creating a schedule. In the scheme settings you can enter Additional Parameters (any parameter from any object) in your Criteria and your Fields.
2010-02-10 11:27 PM
alemanda wrote:this method doesn't work.
Yes, I'm quite familiar ... you're right ... the problem is that I should use objects instead of normal tools (wall, columns, slabs, etc) ... and for those objects I should define two parameters, X position and Y posizion in order to chose them as filter in the ID manager ...
is it?
2010-02-11 12:30 AM
2010-02-12 01:17 PM
Master wrote:... but using the glob_user's variable at least some objects can change their behaviour ...
No, a regular object cannot detect other objects in it presence.
2010-02-12 02:54 PM
alemanda wrote:If you want more global/shared variables you can write them out to a file that your other parts read.Master wrote:... but using the glob_user's variable at least some objects can change their behaviour ...
No, a regular object cannot detect other objects in it presence.
so for example you can build a "master" object with the definition of all the glob_user's variable ... so that other objects can modify their behaviour following the "master" ...
It's a pity that there are few glob_user variables ...
2010-02-15 10:21 PM