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Libraries & objects
About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.

Object ID by parameter?

Not applicable
I'm trying to have the objects ID set based on the parameters of the objects, but the naive GLOB_ID = param doesn't seem to change the ID for the object. I've put it in the master script and the parameter script to no avail.

Can this be done by some other means?
David Larrew
The GLOB_ID is a user-dynamic object parameter that cannot be overwritten by other parameters. It is a one-way directional pass (you can call the GLOB_ID to overwrite a parameter, but you can not go the other way)
David Larrew, AIA, GDLA, GSRC

Architectural Technology Specialist

a r c h i S O L U T I O N S

WIN7-10/ OSX 10.15.7

AC 5.1-25 USA
Not applicable
Hello David,
What you say I always thought was true but
just today I was checking the GDL reference manual
and it says on page 23
"By using the “=” command, you can assign a numeric or string value to local and global variables."
I now do not know what to think.
I am sure that it is not as simple as glob_id="some value",
though I have never tried it, Cleverbeans has and it did not work.
So, because of what the manual says there may be a way.
Peter Devlin
Not applicable
What do you want to do with the ID? If you want do display the text in the floorplan or in the schedule, there are other ways to achieve that.
...yes there are other ways to show a custom text in floorplan or in the schedule ...
My question is: is it possible to analyse in the script the presence of other objects in the floorplan or in the current context (section, 3D, detail, etc.) ...
AC27 latest hotfix

Win 10 Pro 64bit

Double XEON 14 CORES (tot 28 physical cores)

32GB RAM - SSD 256GB - Nvidia Quadro K620

Display DELL 25'' 2560x1440
Not applicable
No, a regular object cannot detect other objects in it presence.

There may be 3 alternatives:
-The zone, you can make a schedule in which you can detect all objects of your liking, which are in that zone
-A label, but it has to be attached to the specific object.
-Any object can detect in which zone it is placed.
no ... my aim is to give objects a number (or ID) automatically according to an order process (geometry of the object, position in the plan, etc) ...
AC27 latest hotfix

Win 10 Pro 64bit

Double XEON 14 CORES (tot 28 physical cores)

32GB RAM - SSD 256GB - Nvidia Quadro K620

Display DELL 25'' 2560x1440
Not applicable
Are you familiar with the Element ID Manager (Document/Schedules and Lists/Element ID Manager)

With this you can alter the ID's according to you liking.
Yes, I'm quite familiar ... you're right ... the problem is that I should use objects instead of normal tools (wall, columns, slabs, etc) ... and for those objects I should define two parameters, X position and Y posizion in order to chose them as filter in the ID manager ...
is it?
AC27 latest hotfix

Win 10 Pro 64bit

Double XEON 14 CORES (tot 28 physical cores)

32GB RAM - SSD 256GB - Nvidia Quadro K620

Display DELL 25'' 2560x1440
Not applicable
Master wrote:
With this you can alter the ID's according to you liking.
I was messing with this yesterday, but I wasn't able to get it to do what I want. I'd like to take parts of three string parameters and assign the ID based on the new concatenated string. I want to use the ID because the find/select tool allows me to search by ID but not by parameter. I'd also like naive labeling to work but I can make a custom label if I have to... the GDL REQUEST statement is a pain however so I want to avoid it if possible.

Any suggestions?