2005-08-24 02:43 PM
2005-08-24 03:39 PM
2005-08-24 03:41 PM
2005-08-24 04:44 PM
gerd wrote:Do you literally mean drag the elements from the floor plan to a 3D script window? I've tried dragging as well as cutting + pasting between these two windows and it doesn't seem to work - is there something I'm missing?
...drag the elements from floor plan into a open 3d skript window.
2005-08-24 04:59 PM
Tom wrote:You can drag from an Archicad view to a GDL object window. The trick is that is has to be the separate dedicated window for that script, not the master object window.gerd wrote:Do you literally mean drag the elements from the floor plan to a 3D script window? I've tried dragging as well as cutting + pasting between these two windows and it doesn't seem to work - is there something I'm missing?
...drag the elements from floor plan into a open 3d skript window.
I didn't think you could drag anything between archicad windows.
2005-08-24 05:23 PM
TomWaltz wrote:
You can drag from an Archicad view to a GDL object window. The trick is that is has to be the separate dedicated window for that script, not the master object window.
2005-08-24 05:28 PM
- Select and Ctrl+D a slab in the floor plan window, drag it in the direction of the 3D script windowThere's the glitch.
2005-08-24 05:40 PM
TomWaltz wrote:How strange - I tried that method as well, and there was still no luck. Then I tried one last time, and in frustration dragged across much quicker than usual - and it worked... (strange how things always work the last time you try them
Do not use the "drag" command. Use the "drag" mode of the pet pallette. Click on what you want to put in the GDL window, and keep the mouse button held down until you are on top of the GDL window.
2005-08-24 06:30 PM
Tom wrote:Huh.... so speed of movement has an effect..... I think I'll break out the rum now....
How strange - I tried that method as well, and there was still no luck. Then I tried one last time, and in frustration dragged across much quicker than usual - and it worked... (strange how things always work the last time you try them
Dragging with ctrl+D works as well if you approach the window's edge with speed.