Ok I think the problem is bigger... apparently when you open objects in Libraries you should get a whole list and a directory, but mine has none of that. See the picture.
So I think it was when I was downloading the updates... it told me to download the new library, so I did. I think I dragged that file into the ArchiCAD 11 Libraries folder and after that the check for updates function said my version was totally up to date:
"Your ArchiCAD is up-to-date
Your library is up-to-date
Version Lang Build Platform Type Library Date
11 USA 1210 Mac FULL "
However I don't think I loaded my library quite right since I can't navigate it. Should I delete ArchiCAD and reinstall it? I have a student version, will there be a problem of using the same serial number again? Or is there a simpler way to remedy my poor library situation? I really don't want to be making all my toilets and stairs and things from scratch... =\
Thanks so much ;__;