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Wall W/ Custom Profile Doesn't Like Windows or Doors

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I have just started making some custom wall profiles.

I am not able to put windows and doors into them without being informed that there are scripting errors.

It happens with the custom wall profiles provided by Graphisoft as well.
The window is there in 3D ok. 2D shows up a bit strange. If I attempt to mess with the window I get scripting error alerts all over.

Is there something simple I am missing before I wander any deeper into this?
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I haven't had any problems with this yet. More specifics would be helpful. Are these older parts? They may not be compatible with the complexities of the profiled walls.
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I haven't played much with the settings yet...

The windows/doors are AC10 Lib parts. Just using 'em straight out of the library...

I will try opening a fresh file. The strange thing is that they are not working in the loaded AC profiles.
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Have you seen any problems with regular walls and the same windows in this file?
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No, no problems...

I opened a new file and drew an archicad profile wall (brick wall w/ molding).

Window works like a charm. If I use a profile wall that I have made, 2X6 stud wall with skins... no go. A black dot appears as though a library part is not loaded. It is there in 3D but in 2D it is missing, although the marker is there and an empty opening.


All the different profiles I have been making seem to have the same problem. Once the window is gone I can turn the wall into a profile that worked earlier and now no go. Can't undo back to a state where the window is good either. Stays a black dot like a missing part...

I can make the problem happen if I put a window into the AC profile PreCast Invert T. Try that and see if happens for you.

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I have saved a copy of the Brick Wall w/ Molding and have played with all of it's setting (horiz, vert stretch boundrys, line types etc) and I can't make it have a negative effect on the windows...

I dunno.

I will try making a new profile from scratch a instead of capturing it from an element's profile.
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Here is a screen shot.

I made a new file using AC10 Standar template. AC10 library loaded.

All fine. Using the supplied profile 'brick wall w/ molding' on left. That works fine.

One on right is a copy of the original profile the difference is that I have added another fill to the right to represent a sheathing 'skin' or what have you. Large for display purposes. As soon as I add that extra fill via the profile editor and store profile the window / door go buggy. Script error. If I switch back to the other profile the window / door work again. The only difference is the addition of a fill in the editor...
I just copied / pasted the wall fill and moved it over (changed fill type so it is visible). Does it every time.

Now I will try and replicat when I build a profile from scratch.
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Made two profiles from scratch.

Profile C w/ one fill works sort of (if I try to change the window fill from the AC loaded one to empty fill- bugs out).

Profile D three fills in editor no works at all. I can change window parts, whatever, doesn't work.

Profiles A has gone buggy in the interim of it's own accord. Has not been modified at all since first screen shot.

So, I give up... This should be easy right? Anyone out there able to replicate this or am I in some twilight zone (archicad) alternate dimension?

I have sleep to sleep and work to do so good bye profile editor for now...

(I had dreams of super customizable profiles w/ custom pensets for sections with top plates, other details etc. Moldings and water tables and changes in sidings and stemwalls w/ footings and sill plates and A.B.'s and on and on and.... Oh my broken heart...)
Rakela Raul
this has nothing to do with the subject but:
when placing doors and windows in ac10, you can see a water mark of their width !!!! very niiiiice ac10
(maybe always been there but this is my first time i see it )
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
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Trying to keep this thread alive. I can make this error happen every time.
Anybody else?

Even if I select a current composite wall and convert it to profile it immediately loses it's doors and windows... every time, all current AC10 library...