You sure know there is some element that you can simply use with the Object Tool. But if you want to have it tied to the window, there is a way, simple enough, I think. I made one, using the "personal shutter" feature.
As you can see in the picture, I made the SunShade element using some Slab (you can use Object and other elements), vertical and facing down. I had to add a very thin slab (with a big hole) approximately the same size of the typical window it goes on. This is needed as ArchiCAD tries to resize the object to match the host window. I made it a few cm floating over the proper SunShade, so when placed it will be hidden in the window frame.
Then I selected all the elements and Archive>Library and Objects>Save selection as>Shutter (not sure about the command name in English)
Finally, in the window setting, use the shown setting... almost all are important for the result
--Roberto Corona--
AC18 - ITA full on Win10