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Writing information into 2000+ zones

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I am currently modeling a 2200 room hospital, for coordination and management puposes.

Having all the architectural drawings in 2D, we are trying to write into the zone stamps the finishes information (floor, ceiling, walls, skirtings, etc.)

This has to be done manually, zone by zone, on the floor plan, with the drawings as ghost stories.

The obvious way to do it is selecting a zone, ctrl+T, inputting the correct letters to the variables (I am using the DCA Zone Identifier stamp, but this applies to any other stamp), and moving to the next zone.

for 2000+ zones, this is mind boggling.

Would there be any other way to do this input? No schedules, because the info is in plan view, and each room has a different combination, with no clear logical assignments.
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Krippahl wrote:
Hello Braza

That would be a powerful object:

A Stamp that would allow data input in the plan window.

You think that is possible?
Unfortunately we can't change string parameters with hotspots (until Matthew's "hottext" )...

But as you just need to insert a simple pre-defined code... I was thinking of using this technic. Here we use an integer parameter to control another string parameter values... Does it gives what you want?
Krippahl wrote:
A Stamp that would allow data input in the plan window.
You think that is possible?
There are ways to do this through the API, but would probably not be far off the 10 hours it would take you to enter the text the hard way
Ralph Wessel BArch
Central Innovation
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Braza wrote:
But as you just need to insert a simple pre-defined code... I was thinking of using this technic. Here we use an integer parameter to control another string parameter values... Does it gives what you want?
I can not understand all the implications of this method.

Would this make it possible to program into the stamp a finite number of choices (as many as the finishes) and then select them graphically on the floor plan window, hotspotwise?
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Exactly. I could create 3 angle hotspots that would change 3 other string parameters with pre-defined values. Its a quite simple code. If you want I can do the hack for your. Just send me the stamp.

Not applicable
Ok, thanks a lot.
Not applicable
In case anybody else be interested in this technic, here is the hacked zone stamp.

Edit: The only issue I can see is that the pet pallet keep focusing on the "move entire stamp" button... even if I select the editable hotspot button. Does anybody knows how to make it memorises the last type of button selected?