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gdl elevation

Not applicable
how when i make a 3d gdl library and i open a section on my project it appears with white airspace fill so if i draw a line and i want to send it back it coud work ad hide behind my library part.
Not applicable
If the part itself is in section it will have the section fill assigned in the settings dialog unless this is overridden in the script using the SECT_FILL or the SECT_ATTRS statements.

In elevation it will either be the material set in the dialog or one set in the script by the MATERIAL statement.

The GDL manual has the details.
Frank Beister
I don't know, if I understood your reply. AFAIK does SECT_FILL or the SECT_ATTRS affect only cutted surfaces in the s/e windows. Sections done by SEO (inside and outside of GDL), CUTPLANE and 3D cuts do ignore these attribute changes.
The uncut surfaces in the s/e window get their hatches, as you wrote, by the material settings.

Exception: Since AC10 the PROJECT2{3} statement uses, depending on its parameters, the 3D section attributes for the 2D floor plan view.
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of selfGDL.de | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
gobel wrote:
how when i make a 3d gdl library and i open a section on my project it appears with white airspace fill so if i draw a line and i want to send it back it coud work ad hide behind my library part.
You can't. Archicad only projects the linework representing the solid object into the elevation, so there is so solid object to hide anything 2D that you draw/
Tom Waltz
Frank Beister
If the material of (all) uncut surfaces itself has a solid vectorial fill (with the pen setting of the background of your section window) you can hide lines, drawn in the s/e window by moving the lines to the background. This order keeps up to date by rebuilding the s/e window. To assign the fill to the material you have to use the material settings in the attributes (AC10) or options (AC9-) menu.
To make cutted surfaces hide 2D lines of the s/e window you have to use a nontransparent pen for the background of the section fill in the settings of the object or the SECT_FILL command in GDL.
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of selfGDL.de | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm