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request master layout info

Is there a way to request info about a master layout? I would like a title marker to detect what size sheet it is on and nominate in as a part of the title.
Michael Wilson

ArchiCAD 9 - 22 (6021 AUS Full)
Win7 | 64 bit | 8Gb RAM | Intel i7 3.40 Ghz
Not applicable

I think requesting the master size is not possible,
but the name is.

We have named our masters so that the title block
knows the size, "4x2 horizontal" for example. (One
unit is european DIN A4 210*297 mm).

Works fine.
David Maudlin

There is a potential work around, if the object is Drawing Title type, one of its parameters is AC_LayoutRect, which is an array that gives the extents of the layout the Drawing Title is on. So you might be able to use this information to determine the size of the layout. Juha's solution is much simpler.

You should add a Signature to your Profile (click the Profile button near the top of this page) with your ArchiCAD version and operating system (see mine for an example) for more accurate help in this forum.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
Juha wrote:

We have named our masters so that the title block
knows the size, "4x2 horizontal" for example. (One
unit is european DIN A4 210*297 mm).

Works fine.

Juha- This was exactly what I was looking for. Do you have an example of the request script that you need to use. I'm a bit of a hack when it comes to request quotes. I just use one from another part that does what I want it to do.
Michael Wilson

ArchiCAD 9 - 22 (6021 AUS Full)
Win7 | 64 bit | 8Gb RAM | Intel i7 3.40 Ghz