Libraries & objects
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where archicad put my gdl objects?

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i made some gdl objects, saved using the archicad prompt in a folder located in the same directory of the main library. everything is fine, the objects are loaded in every project i open...
now i want to share that objects, i go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphisoft\ArchiCAD 12\myGDLs\myObject.gsm" and guess? No subfolder whatsoever, no gsm files... what happened? where did archicad really saved the files? I tryed searching in %appdata% too, but I couldn't find nothing... somebody can help?
I even tryed to change the folder name (before there was a "_"), hoping it was a name problem... but no, it wasn't.

i'm on windows with an old archicad 12 i used after ages.
Not applicable
So I started a whole C:/ search to find that the objects are placed in:
"C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Graphisoft\ArchiCAD 12\Libreria ArchiCAD 12\libreria Nereo\oggetti\bozze"

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