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About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

A few simple questions

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Hey all,

I know that these are simple questions but I need to dot my i's and cross my t's.

I’m curious as to whether I can achieve the following:

1)Bring my own choice of 2d tree into archicad and use it as a 2d library part. (I can do this in Pshop but am trying to eliminate the middle man for weekly printing).

2)When I use the rotate orientation tool at the bottom of the screen, it appears on screen as if some of my cadastre lines are crooked (these lines do not appear crooked at the ‘right orientation’. (In the help menu the line looks crooked too-see attached photo). When printing is everything going to be crooked?

3)You can no longer (unless I’m wrong use the trees in Archicad and colour them with fills) is that right? In earlier versions you could-is there a trick or something I am missing.

Thanks for your thoughts.


Crooked lines orientation.jpg
hello !

so i"ll try to answer the best i can .

1 ) see this document (p 13)

or in the AC14 refernce guide (p 1010)

"Saving 2D Symbols as Library Parts
• Draw the desired 2D symbol in the project using 2D tools (line, text, fill etc.). Try to draw it
close to the origin of the coordinate system if possible.
• Put hotspots on each point where you want the cursor to find the object.
• Select the desired drawing elements.
• Save the object with the File > Libraries and Objects > Save Selection as command. By
default, the save location is the project’s Embedded Library. It is recommended to save
customized, project-specific objects to your Embedded Library.
• Place it with the Object tool. Note that the created object is stretchable, but will be distorted
after stretching since it was not scripted using parametrics.
• If you want to make further modifications to the object, select and open it with the File >
Libraries and Objects > Open object command."

you could import the dwg tree in AC and follow the stepd described in the document or the help.

2) can't answer that but i would think it's a normal to have a sort of jagged line when they are rotated !

3)you could but you have to access to the 2d symbol of the gdl object and create a fill there !
AC12_27 |Win11_64bit|
Not applicable
Thanks for your speedy reply and link to article.

I got my tree to work as an embedded library part.

