2007-08-15 04:59 PM
2007-08-16 02:33 AM
Obicanobi wrote:Turn off your "caps lock" key.
....../.It is impossible for me to do multiple selections using the SHIFT key option/......
2007-08-16 04:25 AM
2007-08-16 07:14 AM
Peter wrote:peter - the capslock "problem" was actually a feature! it allowed you to scroll through overlapping elements . . . one that graphisoft broke with the new selection/preselection highlight nonsense!
My impression is that the problem of the caps lock key disabling the shift key function for multiple selection selective deselection was fixed by GS sometime before AC 8.1....
2007-08-16 09:52 AM
Peter wrote:No Peter, a case of old habits and teaching "old dogs".
/.....Is it different for you ?
2007-08-16 10:12 AM
2007-08-16 11:32 AM
Obicanobi wrote:Although you said what version and what OS you use in your earlier post,
I tried all with Caps Lock key on and off... Still the same! Very annoying to try and work like this...
2007-08-18 04:55 PM
2007-08-19 07:51 AM
2007-08-19 11:53 AM