I decided against buying subscriptions to either AutoCAD or ADT because the basic price that Autodesk was asking was $12,000US per year which is ridiculous when compared to AC's 50 licences for $150.00, Sketchup's $450.00 initial and $10.00 per licence yearly and Abvent's $650.00 for 15 licences.
So right now I am redesigning my classes to take advantage of Sketch-up and AC as modelers and construction docs programs with Artlantis and C4D for rendering and Photoshop and Illustrator for image processing and layouts, each as a basic and advanced class.
As to AutoCAD I already informed my dealer that this is going to be the last time we buy software from them either AutoCAD, Revit, 3d Studio or ADT since they are too expensive and not worth the effort. I will still keep an AutoCAD and 3dViz elective since those are the programs that are more predominant in architecture offices down here, but since I taught AutoCAD using R14 for the past 6 years only showing my students what differences they could expect from the newer versions I don't think there will be trouble only using 2004 up to the point that it will stop being the "standard".
At the end what the Autodesk rep never understood is that the architecture students that graduate from now on know how productive AC is and they will start changing the way offices work and what software they use. Another story about Autodesk rep was that when I was dealing with him about our school price and why Revit was not available for sale in P.R. I told him that even though I already have versions of AutoCAD, ADT and Revit I bought my professional licence of AC and that is the one I use, he said only: What of it? I had to explain to him that when students or other professionals ask me about software it was obvious which one i would recommend. He never got it.
BTW have anybody read the white paper on AutoCAD 2005? My impression is that they only copied PlotMaker and included it in the program and that is the only change.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
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