After several years I am still searching for assistance with:
1. ArchiCAD's dictionary of terms and their current computerese so that I may actually be able to understand and use their directions.
2. Set-up Stageties (for all parts of the set-up) for smaller architectrual projects - Like Office Standards for those of us who are not part of a larger office. This would include more that the STS systems
3. A tutourial listing of the best way to do a function and the way to make it perfect... and verifiable as well.
4. A system for keeping visable (like in a dialogue box that could even include a caculator) all the numbers used over and over again on a project - not just the floor elevations, but so much more for fast usage.
5. The organization of turouial with all the why so that a user can understand the process well enought to interpolate the system on other functions and learn more completely and faster the use of this wonderful "Tool" for our architectural business.