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ArchiCAD saving error

Hi there,

We have recently experienced a very serious saving error that threatens our ability to use ArchiCAD over our office computer network.

We use networked Mac's with the CAD files residing on an OS Server 10.3.9 G4 server and our workstations are OS 10.4 G4's and G5's. The network uses a 1 Gig Ethernet hub.

We had just recently upgraded all of our OS to the versions listed above. After that we installed the ArchiCAD tiger patch on all workstations. A few weeks ago we had installed the 3rd Hotfix ArchiCAD patch bringing our Build number up to 2045.

Here's the Problem:
When editting (from a workstation) a pre-existing archiCAD file that resides on the server everything goes fine until several saves have occured. Then we inevitably get a note:

"The file (file name) was saved successfully. ArchiCAD failed to delete the following temporary file: Orig_(random number)

We then notice a temporary file has been created next to the archiCAD file. The temporary file is undeletable(through the finder) until the server is restarted. More will be created if one continues to save. Also after closing the original ArchiCAD file, upon trying to reopen it we get a note:

"Integry Checking Error! The project data was damaged in the last step."
We get a choice to Continue working w/ risk of crashes or Force Quit to return to the last Autosaved version.

This error has occurred only since all of our OS and ArchiCAD upgrades. It also occurred when we were using OS Server 10.3.4 on the server. The error does not occur when the same corruptable archiCAD file is brought to a workstation's desktop and editted and saved there, avoiding the network and avoiding the server.

Anybody have any ideas? This obviously is a serious problem as any file we work on over the network ends up corrupted and unopenable!

thank you
Joe Armin
San Francisco
Hello there,

Good to hear from people re: this problem(s).

Re: Aussie John's post, two days ago we had 10.4 server installed and then the most recent patch was installed also. This seemed to fix the ArchiCAD saving bug. The only CAD problem we've noticed since is within team-work, signing in, signing out, sending and receiving all cause the computer to tell us

"Cannot write teamwork notes" Not a huge deal.

But we are having different results when in Plotmaker at a station trying to save onto the server. At my station I cannot save a Plotmaker file at all, I get:

Error while writing file: filename.lbk
(258: Access to file or file data is denied)

while at another station in our office, it works after a few tries?!?! There is no problem saving a Plotmaker file onto either of our hard-disks, though.

On the server machine, we went in through Workgroup Manager and chose "Propogate Permissions" to force the inheritance of permissions. However, we are still having the Plotmaker problem.

Pdeppe, you wrote

"There must be something to this, because from what I can tell, the problem is most prevalent on my machine. I installed Tiger 10.4 and our server is 10.3. I don't think other people in the office have the same problem (or at least I haven't heard of this)".

What OS are the other CAD stations in your office using?

Re: your thought that this is a conflct w/ Tiger, the saving problems did start around the time we installed Tiger onto our stations.

good luck to us all
Not applicable
jzarmin wrote:
On the server machine, we went in through Workgroup Manager and chose "Propogate Permissions" to force the inheritance of permissions. However, we are still having the Plotmaker problem.
Are you using Access Control List type permissions, or POSIX (pre-10.4 Tiger Server permissions)?

I ask because we just had to install 10.4 server at our office and we are getting some strange results with ArchiCad and the ACL permissions...

Jesse, you asked:

Are you using Access Control List type permissions, or POSIX (pre-10.4 Tiger Server permissions)?

To be honest, I'm not familiar with those terms. We are using Tiger at the stations and Tiger Server at the server. We are in discussion w/ Graphisoft technical support and they have acknowledged that there is a problem brought on my Tiger's rework of permissions. ArchiCAD wasn't prepared for it. We have done a few tests for Graphisoft so that they can create a fix-it.

san francisco
Not applicable
Hi Joe - et al.

To answer your question before:

"What OS are the other CAD stations in your office using?

Re: your thought that this is a conflict w/ Tiger, the saving problems did start around the time we installed Tiger onto our stations."

All the clients in the office are currently using Panther. My machine was upgraded in an effort to institute an incremental change rather than the original OSX global change that paralysed the office for a month.

I again think it must be with Tiger. I noticed the posting with the patch, but didn't have time to work on that front. I went backwards to Panther and haven't had a problem with either Archicad or Plotmaker.

Going back wasn't easy - lost all preferences (foolish on my part because I should have exported prior to installing Panther), temporarily lost Safari, and lost Printing Set-up - but I managed to figure each one out and now the machine is humming.

Archicad and Plotmaker - most importantly - are also working the way they are suppose to AND the machine is running noticeably faster. So far - it has fixed the problem and hopefully they will iron out any conflict in the next release. Again, I saw the mention of downloadable patches - so I guess we'll have to investigate this as well when the time comes - but for now, the Tiger has been put back in the box.

Hello there,

In working with some Graphisoft developers (we performed some tests that they designed) we've found out what has been causing our last remaining saving problems. Norton AntiVirus 10.0.1 (010) while working on our local stations and on the server, somehow has been accessing our Plotmaker and ArchiCAD Teamwork files regularly and thus doing the following:

In the case of Plotmaker, it has been preventing me from being able to save from my station to a Plotmaker file that resides on a server.

In the case of ArchiCAD Teamwork, it has somehow prevented Teamwork from being able to "write teamwork notes" when we sign in, sign out and/or send and receive.

In order to get error-free ArchiCAD and Plotmaker performance, we have thus been forced to disable Norton AntiVirus on our local stations and on the server.. This obviously is not a very satisfactory solution as we are now working without virus protection! We hope that ArchiCAD is communicating with Symantec in order to address this problem. We are working on Macs, however this must be very difficult for Windows users who are much more susceptible to viruses.

So as a recap, we had to both disable Norton AntiVirus and earlier (see my August 31 post) bring the 10.3.9 Server up to 10.4 Server and install the latest patch to completely eliminate the the ArchiCAD / Plotmaker saving errors that have been plaguing us.

A couple days ago, while a coworker was within Plotmaker updating an already inserted view, I signed into the ArchiCAD teamwork file that the view originated from. He received an error note and then noticed that the Plotmaker Navigator showed the status of that view as ERROR.
At my station, I was able to sign in however that view had disappeared from the ArchiCAD file and when I tried to save a new view, ArchiCAD told me I could not.

Right after that occurred I started to experience a new bug at my station. When I try to open an ArchiCAD or Plotmaker file that resides on the server I get the following note:

Connection failed
The server may not exist or it is not operational at this tiime.
Check the server name or IP address and try again.

This occurs if I try to open from within the software OR by using the finder. After I get the error note, I click OK and then the open process seems to proceed normally. This error note occurs with every open attemp at my station but not at other stations in our office. This bug started up out of the blue. It did not coincide with any new installs or updates. And it only occurs at my station.

thanks for any relevant information,

San Francisco
Brad Elliott
This post has now crossed over to this post:

which I have just responded to since I am also having the same problem. This forum is discussing the connection error problem. If you read my post you will see that I suspected this was a problem 10.4 was creating. I think you may now be in a position to prove that is the case. Somehow ArchiCAD doesn't like the path information that 10.4 is creating and it is causing errors. Track the files you are opening in 10.4 and see if they are developing errors.
Mac OS12.6 AC26 USA Silicon
M1 Macbook Pro