In order to re-assign an element's home storey, I'm founding myself spending a fair amount of time with this process:
> Move mouse to "Home Story:" dropdown in Info box (at left)
> Click for dropdown
>Move mouse down
> Click "Select Story"
> Move mouse to "Select story" dialog in centre
> Double-click required story
> Move mouse back to original focus
Instead of all that, for each element, it would be such a relief to just press ALT-1, ALT-2, ALT-3 for the various storeys.
Any way I can assign keystrokes to these functions?
It also doesn't help that selecting multiple elements with a marquee selection, and then re-assigning a home storey is NOT reliable. I pretty much have to select each element one at a time - unless I know they are of the same type with the same prior home-storey assignment. (Any suggests on how to force a change in all selected elements, regardless, is most welcome! )