You have probably received a message: "Not enough room in HeapZone" The heap zone is a dynamically allocated memory area in the RAM of the computer. The error reflects that there was not enough memory space available to finish the operation. This can be caused by:
- insufficient RAM
- insufficient Virtual Memory (RAM and Virtual Memory should add up to 4GB)
- insufficient Disk space (besides the virtual memory page file, the system disk should be able to accommodate ArchiCAD's temporary files, which can add up to 1GB. Have at least 5GB free space on the system partition.)
- memory overwrite (caused by bad memory module, application bug, Gremlins etc...)
Your file was not saved properly, and upon opening the file ArchiCAD detected and deleted a corrupt section database. Therefore you were prompted to open and regenerate that section.
@Global.T is the auto-saved PLN file. Other .T files (like @Sg_-1_15025.T) are the section/detail databases that you have worked with recently. If ArchiCAD crashes, these files remain in the Autosave folder. Upon starting ArchiCAD, it searches for the ArchiCAD.TMP and @Global.T files. If it finds them, you will have the option to restore the file.
You can manually restore the file by:
- copy all the .T files in a backup folder
- Rename @Global.T to project.pln
- Open project.pln in ArchiCAD
- Find the Autosave folder that ArchiCAD has created in your Documents and Settings/user/Graphisoft folder upon opening the file.
- copy the other .T files into this folder
- Now open each section and detail one by one. Their content will be restored from the .T files
- save the project
Gergely Kmethy
VP, Customer Success, Graphisoft