I'd like to have a bit more control over the beam visibility. I often need to see my beams as reference only on HOME and outline on storey over.
It would be great to have a custom 2d representation option for beams like we do for roofs. Also being able to disjoin beams from MVO (as is the case with many GDL objects and openings) would be another improvement. Not all beams are beams as such and hence should be able to be independent of the MVO setting for beams.
Has anyone got a useful trick or workaround. I currently have my beams shown as axis only and draw outline in linework/fills on storeys over. Not great 😕
Wishlist? ... or am I the only user with such request
Thanks for help ... if any 
ArchiCAD 10 - 25 | Windows 10
ARCHIcreate | Perth, Western Australia
archicad solutions | content creation | training | software implementation