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Black background

Not applicable
How can i work with a black background and have everthing show up? I know how to get the background black but i have the feeling there is something that is not showing up and do not know what. And what about getting the origin to become white? Is there like a color pen set that i can choose? Or work environment that i can choose? What?
Not applicable
Withy our background black/or white- if you feel like you are missing something- you may want to check that in your Work Enviroment > More Options > Automatic pen color visibility is checked.

Makes your black pens and grey or white so you can see them and vice versa.

I don't see that this changes the color of the origin though.
Archicad is really not made to work with a black background. No matter how hard you try, there will always be cursors that don't show up on screen.

Most people go for a subtle background color like a medium gray or a trace yellow color.
Tom Waltz
Don't work with the black background. There is no reason to do it last 15 years if not more.

If you feel that the white is too harsh, follow Tom's advice.

Question: what is the background colour in your browser, word processor, or anything else? I very much doubt that you type on black "paper" in, let's say, Word?

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
drawing@jbdg wrote:
How can i work with a black background and have everthing show up? I know how to get the background black but i have the feeling there is something that is not showing up and do not know what. And what about getting the origin to become white? Is there like a color pen set that i can choose? Or work environment that i can choose? What?
Try this, but I would also recommend using a non-black background.

Come on out of the cave!

You beta tester guys.
Dwight Atkinson
Dwight wrote:
You beta tester guys.
15 years ago, my Autocad background was not black. I hate black paper. Bad memories from university 😉

Great for framing B&W photos, though ...

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Djordje wrote:
Dwight wrote:
You beta tester guys.
15 years ago, my Autocad background was not black. I hate black paper. Bad memories from university 😉

Great for framing B&W photos, though ...
My joke is that Link's link goes to the beta site.
Dwight Atkinson
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Dwight wrote:
My joke is that Link's link goes to the beta site.
What a shocker!

Doing too many things at once as usual! Just as well it's password protected, or I'd be in real trouble!

Anyway, url has been changed now.

Still wrong. What do "barnyard bazooms" have to do with the black background issue?
Dwight Atkinson