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CW- Corner frame problems

Erika Epstein
I'm trying to make a custom corner frame for where two lengths of curtain walls meet as the default frame member at the corner of 2 CWs takes the frame section of the curtain wall and puts it at an angle. This does not correct the length or shape to create a correct corner frame.

Using the shortcut to creating custom components
File>Libraries and Objects>Create Custom Component:

Custom curtain wall frames and caps are distorted to fit the typical frame and cap sizes. Increasing the CW frame depth in the 'b' direction distorts the cap beyond the frame. The depth of the main part of the frame remains foreshortening it to match the depth of the typical frame member...

Creating the frame the traditional long way of creating a library part, saving it from the 3D window and selecting subtype is same.
If instead I choose the subtype of

Model Element>Building Element>Curtain Wall component> Curtain Wall Frame
I still have to add variables to the CW will be placed correctly in the wall and include the cap in the model....

I could go on, but has anyone figured out how to get a correct corner frame in a CW easily?

Is it time to have a corner curtain wall subtype?
Architect, Consultant
MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch Yosemite 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Mac OSX 10.11.1
Onuma System

"Implementing Successful Building Information Modeling"