2022-11-07 06:09 PM
The only posts I've found are from decades ago.
Yes, I can drag a single mesh node outside of the boundary and it disappears, but only if the node is connected to nothing. Yes, you can delete an entire contour line ridges. Yes, you can make a hole in the mesh around points to delete them, but then you need to redraw what you cut out and fix points that got changed that didn't need changed.
How do I delete a point that is on the edge of the mesh or one node out of a contour line? It just stacks points up at different elevations if I just move it on top of another point. Can we not do this? Meshes get crazy complex even worse so by not being about to remove points. Seems like a very simple thing to add.
2022-11-11 03:33 AM
If you save the mesh as a library object, it will create a MASS in the 3D script.
This mass has all of the X, Y, Z co-ordinates.
But I think you will have a hard time trying to find the nodes that are sitting on top of each other (same X & Y but with different Z).
2022-11-11 03:35 AM
I started to reply before seeing your reply, but got delayed and didn't submit till after you.
2022-11-11 03:33 PM
You seemed to have nailed down the issue. I'll have to try a few tests and see what exactly reproduces it. I drew my initial splines that I magic wanded to make my contours all the way to the edge of the mesh. I'll have to do a test, but I'm thinking that is causing it. If I'm remembering correctly, you can't add a contour line directly into the mesh with it starting (I don't think ending point matters, but it might for this glitch) on the edge of the mesh. You need to start it from a point not on the edge. Since I magic wanded splines that started on the edge, I'm assuming this is what caused these glitched points. You can't directly draw the contour like that, but the magic wand let me do it even though it is not supposed to work. I drew all the splines starting on the north side of the mesh, so it should be clear which points are the starting and ending ones. I'm uncertain if the magic wand takes that into account when making the contours from the spline. If it does then only my end points on the south side of my mesh should be the messed up nodes.