‎2011-11-25 11:48 AM
‎2011-11-25 02:36 PM
‎2011-11-25 04:36 PM
‎2012-10-04 11:49 PM
09:23 PM
- last edited on
10:44 PM
Laszlo Nagy
I don't thing GS is EVER going to sort this out - these markers drive us mad in rotated frames of reference. Or rather: rotated frames drive the markers mad! 🙂
As others have said - using the Built-in Detail Marker is generally best (it's hard to understand why the other nearly-identical choices exist!)
As craigj said - a detail clipping a plan with a local rotation will open it's detail window back at the global zero rotation - i.e. the detail clip is rotated at an angle within the frame of the detail window! This can be fixed with the correct view settings but the default seems flat wrong - rotated plans should open up details with the same rotated frame!
The rotational crazy runs deep deep deep. See the attached screen shots - a correctly-configured detail marker in plan, when viewed one level away by trace reference - takes on a random configuration!