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Disappeard wall in 2d view :/

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I don't know what happened when i was drawing in archicad, suddenly were all my walls disappeared from 2D drawing. It shows just wall lines. I have tried layers setting, but no help. Could some one help me please ?


I use archicaad 14 in windows 7

Thank you for helping.
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I had that happen with one of my walls, just the outline showed, not inner fills... Check your cut plan height for your view. Mine was just barely below the cut plane height.
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
I'd be checking the override cut fill option in your model view options.

Override Cut Fills.jpg
I've had this problem also from time to time and haven't been able to reproduce it. Even cut plane height, view options or layers are ok. Sometimes it happens that walls get the "home" floor changed, so in 3D you might see them where they are supposed to be, but in floor plan they just disappear. Just select them in 3D window and change their home story to what it should be.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you guys i fixed the problem, but in a hard way. I found that when i go to the view map and click to the 2d plan drawings there, those things happens. I do not know yet how to fix it, but I just take all my model to a new archicad fil and it works, but really not so smart

Anyways Thank you for helping.
