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Drawing accuracy

Tom Krowka
It seems I am having a problem with accuracy in my drawings and operations on just about everything in the plans. I will snap to a check mark, then zoom in and find I'm anywhere from a quarter inch to up to two inches off. The same happens with drawing angles or rotating or anything to do with angles.
I have units set to 1/8", angle accuracy set to 1 number after the decimal, pixel setting for cursor to 3 pixels.
These small errror have a tendency to accumulate, and show up in unusual places, much to my dismay.

Anybody else seem to have this problem, or any tips for more accurate drawing?

Tom Krowka Architect
Windows 11, AC Version 26
David Larrew
Be sure your Grid Snap is disabled when you are trying to snap to elements.

The rotation discrepancies are sometimes caused by users inadvertently setting the Custom "Mouse Constraints & Methods".
David Larrew, AIA, GDLA, GSRC

Architectural Technology Specialist

a r c h i S O L U T I O N S

WIN7-10/ OSX 10.15.7

AC 5.1-25 USA
David wrote:
Be sure your Grid Snap is disabled when you are trying to snap to elements.
I would even go as far as to say that you should be sure to forget the grid snap altogether; coordinates and object snaps - that is the key to precision.

Of course, with the Imperial, pardon, SAE units, you can be only so precise.

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Djordje wrote:
I would even go as far as to say that you should be sure to forget the grid snap altogether; coordinates and object snaps - that is the key to precision.
well put djordje.

tom - be sure to set your working unit precision up to the highest possible. i always work with the greatest number of decimal places possible - in my case in millimetres to 1 decimal place and decimal degrees to 4 decimal places.

i think that working to 4 decimal places in rotation is the key here. using custom angle constraints with anything less on a non-orthogonal building is sure to result in small discrepancies all over the plan. and once you begin getting these small discrepancies and then snap to them in subsequent operations they have the potential to turn into bigger discrepancies!

remember that this working precision is controlled separately to dimensioning precision so you won't end up with ridiculous angle dimensions of 35.8167º or something that will give your contractors a good laugh!!!

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