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Element info does not show in Info Box after selection

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I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but it appears that with this latest upgrade, Build 1040 dated July 24 for AC 11, when I click on an element in plan view, the information box does not automatically display the element's information.

This happens when I have switched to the Selection Tool from working with another tool. With the Selection Tool I select the element, the information I want shows in the Info Box for a fraction of a second, then switches to what I would normally see when the Selection Tool is active and nothing is selected, or when multiple elements of different types are selected (and they aren't). What doesn't show is the information on say the wall I clicked on (ie Layer, Height, Construction Method etc.)

In order to see the information in the Info Box, I have to select that element's tool in the Tool Box. Then I can read and edit the Info box as usual.

Sometimes when I get information in the Info Box, it still does not give the correct information and instead shows the default information, even though the desired element is still selected.

I do not seem to have the problem when working in the 3-D window.

It's just a little thing, but it is disconcerting not to find the expected information on my element where it should be.

This problem happens with rooves, walls, slabs, objects, windows and probably more. I do have the correct updated libraries loaded. It happens whether I am working in a drawing started in AC 11, or in a drawing started in AC 10 but opened in AC 11 with the "AC 10 Lib for 11" loaded.

Selection Tool Bug.jpg
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With the Selection Tool I select the element, the information I want shows in the Info Box for a fraction of a second, then switches to what I would normally see when the Selection Tool is active and nothing is selected
I'm having this same problem, though I've noticed that when I switch back and forth between, for example, an internet explorer window and ArchiCAD, the info box displays correctly, though it will disappear again. Not a permanent fix, but a workaround, maybe. I would like to know how to really fix it, though.
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I found if I have trace ON then I get the same issue, I now have trace off most the time and when tracing I use the ctrl+t to get into properties if that start vanishing off the bar.
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Occasionally I encounter a similar issue but only with placed drawings in the layout view. Re-selecting the placed drawings usually brings it back up.

Other than that, I haven't found any common circumstances under which it occurs.