Problem: FPCP dialog box-Relative floor plan range OFFSET keeps defaulting back to zero.
Question: How do I stop the offset from always defaulting back to zero.
Scenario: 10 Units/Townhouses over 4 lots with 4m fall left to right. I'm Hotlinking the units into one main file. Storey Levels are set relevant to Unit/lot position.
I have some high windows that wont show up on floor plan unless I set the FPCP relative floor plan range offset to 2000. However after I flick through other storeys and return it defaults back to zero and my windows are gone.
My beard now has some more greys in it because of this problem so any ideas would be much appreciated
Are you forgetting to define or redefining the views?
In AC you save a View with a FCP as you want (and you can have different FCP for the same floor plan) if it is switching it means that you are selecting a view for which the FCP is at 0.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB AC27 US/INT -> AC08
Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest another Moderator
Another option, if you do not need the FPCP otherwise, is to set the Floor Plan Display of the Walls, Doors and Windows to Symbolic, which ignores the FPCP.
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