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Help...2D data disappeared from section/elevation window.

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Okay fellows, this one is a new pickle I have encountered, if anyone else have encountered this problem please help. I'm currently using ArchiCAD 9 on G5 mac. I've been doing alot of work on a specific project and have come close to getting what I want in model and in documentation. I did some "2 dimensional work" on my elevations for the past 2 days...such as dimensioning, labeling, adding some lines and some hatch patterns to complete my elevations. All my elevations were already assigned to a view in the "publisher/view editor" thing so that I could later use it in plotmaker. I've been having a smooth work flow from floor plans to the 3D window, to sections and elevations with no problems. That being said, this afternoon, I re-opened one of my views and to my dislike, all my 2D data were gone!..my dimensions, my text, my extra lines, and hatches..all gone. The only thing visible is my bare model. Why? Please, help.

Thank You so much.
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You've obviously checked that the appropriate layers are (or layer combination is) on, or even turned ALL layers on to see if your 2D stuff was not drawn on the wrong layer. Obviously.
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s2art wrote:
You've obviously checked that the appropriate layers are (or layer combination is) on, or even turned ALL layers on to see if your 2D stuff was not drawn on the wrong layer. Obviously.
Obviously, in fact, thats the first thing I did. I even tried turning all the layers on. And rest assured, I did not erase any layers at any time.
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Just for the record and information, my good friend in the Philippines, who has been running ArchiCAD 9 on a windows XP platform has encountered this exact same problem recently. Also, in addition...my office mate in San Jose had told me that he also encountered this problem a few months back. So please be aware that this has happened to other people as well.
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you can also read this or this
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Are your sections set as a drawing? Auto-rebuild model? If you are working on your sections as a drawing, you should out of habit cut all drawing elements and paste them back into the sect/elev window. This is a lame "feature" that graphisoft has implemented that keeps 2d elements linked to the model.
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Mike wrote:
Are your sections set as a drawing? Auto-rebuild model? If you are working on your sections as a drawing, you should out of habit cut all drawing elements and paste them back into the sect/elev window. This is a lame "feature" that graphisoft has implemented that keeps 2d elements linked to the model.
Hi Mike, my Sections and Elevations are Auto-rebuild. Then I add some dimensions, text, lines, and in some cases...hatches to improve the elevations and sections. Then as a quick way to go back to my elvations and/or sections, I save it as a view under "View Sets". (Please take note: I've already checked and made sure it wasn't a layer issue....so it has nothing to do with layers not showing or deleted layers).
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Just to cover the obvious, you have zoomed to extents too? (Usually only an issue if Section / Elevation markers have been moved. Probably not the case here, but you have to cover all possibilities).
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s2art wrote:
Just to cover the obvious, you have zoomed to extents too? (Usually only an issue if Section / Elevation markers have been moved. Probably not the case here, but you have to cover all possibilities).
Yes Stuart, I have zoomed to extents as well. And just to point out, I did not move my Section / Elevation markers.
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Figured that was probably the case. Just thought I'd ask.