About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

How do i create this window?

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Can someone tell me how to create a window like this:
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turbo2000 wrote:
Can someone tell me how to create a window like this:
So, whats ur problem, take any window from Archicad library and change Wdth and high.
Choose black material

I cant see anything else

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Yes, but how do i make it trapezoid look alike?
The trapezoid looks like an axo.
Joke is on us.

In that case, you'll make the shape with a slab and save it as a library element. This will take moderate GDL skills. Especially the WALLHOLE to fill in the oblique bits.

See the book "Object Making with Archicad"
Dwight Atkinson
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Your picture looks like a perspective view hence the confusion. I assume it is supposed to be an elevation. Is this right?

If so there is no standard ArchiCAD window out of the box that does this. There is a trapezoid window but AFAIK only the head is adjustable. Someone once sent me a custom object to do this job but it was long ago and I don't have it any more.

Maybe someone could help you, otherwise I would recommend looking at Cadimage Door and Window builder.


I just saw Dwight's post. That's the way to do it if want to program it but if you want the simple approach, see if anyone can give you a gdl object as they did me.
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hehe .. try to take a look at my updated drawing again.. the red is where it has to be...
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This window can help you get what you want.
I have made an window-object that work exactly as your figure, but I don't have it here.
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Thanks TurboGlider, how do i import it? I have tried to use open object, but where do i find it?
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First :
Download the object it to your local harddrive

Second :
When open window dialog in AC, puch button "Load other window" -> "From file dialog box" and then point on your downloaded object.
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Why don't you have ArchiGlazing?