2005-06-10 04:07 AM
2005-10-05 10:32 PM
2005-10-07 12:24 AM
2005-10-16 08:51 AM
Tom wrote:I forgot all about this thread and just found it again while I was perusing the Cadimage site looking for information on it, and something triggered in the back of my mind. Long story short, apparently I bought it earlier this year from my reseller, along with the accessory pack and I don't know what else, and completely forgot about it and never got any of them installed since I wasn't using AC at that point.
I believe the Profiler v9r2 is the 3D profiler for 99$ from Cadimage in NZ. I'm not at the office computer so I can't tell you for sure. I just bought a copy about a week ago. Same principles as standard profiler, but will angle in the z direction, and will combine multiple profiles of different materials. Have not used it much yet, but plan to on next home with gables and trim.
I wonder how you got it in the download file? A freebie from your reseller, perhaps?