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Issue with - Survey point - Location Setting


Hi, I'm trying to understand how is working Survey point and why i'm getting wrong coordination after what i set with right numbers.


I started with 0,0,0, and I set from coordination what I get and I wrote down the numbers with (-)  Because this project is in Sweden I we using SWE REF


After all my setting I still dont't understan why i'm getting wrong number


My other Question what's the right settings for exporting in DWG and taking this coordination from Survey point like that is sitting in right in the world.


Thanks for any advice 🙂

Skärmavbild 2023-02-08 kl. 11.13.04.jpgSkärmavbild 2023-02-08 kl. 11.13.16.jpg


I realized that I did mistake with number but still problem is the same that this coordinations is not exactly same 😕 


Skärmavbild 2023-02-08 kl. 11.28.26.jpg

I think you would have to clarify what you are doing, trying to achieve and where it goes wrong.


The coordinates of the survey point are cartesian relative to the project origin which is expressed in WGS84. So transform SWEREF99 (TM or local zone) to WGS84 for the coordinate of the project origin and then place the survey point relative to that.

It should be possible to place a standard World Coordinate Dimensions object at specific coordinates but as of today and AC26 a bug registered 21-04-21 as DEF-4677 has not been fixed.

I can clarify : Landscape architects want model in SWE-REF in right position in the world.

- I made model close to 0,0,0 because this how we should make model - Cloese to project origin as we can.

- Normally I would use like link this model and move link model in corect coordination and exported to Landscape architects


- But this survey point seem that should fixt this step.


- I set coordinations of survey point from coordinations point what i get from drawings and wrote this coordinations till Survey point - location 


- My goal is keep model close to model 0,0,0, and get real coordination from world.

Which I can export for Landscape architects like DWG. 


Is it better for understanding my problem ?

Thanks but I need to work with 25AC but if they didn't fix this bug in 26 thats sound bad for me

What you get from the survey point for .dwg is the possibility have it as the origin of the exported file. This is done in the translation setup under settings>save options>match file's origin.


This means that if the world coordinates of the survey point is known so is that of the .dwg files origin - there isn't more to it than that.





I'm not sure that I understand rigt. 

Now you are speaking of exporting isn't it ?


I think I importer right in coorditations system. 


I attached XREF dwg to the project and when I match with Survey point it doesn't show exatly right coorditation when I try to check it.


Well it works the same for import and export but I wasn't reading the post carefully earlier and missed what you have entered for the survey point position. Have you tried zoomed to the survey point? You seem to have missed that the position of the survey point is expressed relative to the project origin and instead entered the SWEREF99 1800 coordinates which puts it 6563 km south and 127 km west of you project origin in Stockholm - close to the Mambili river in Congo.


In this case a survey point object placed around the origin will show values that looks to like they could be SWEREF99 1800 coordinates but they are actually the distance in mm from the survey point. The reason that they don't match exactly is that it isn't placed at the project origin.


So you need a correct placement of the survey point relative to the project origin.