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Live detail window

Karl Barker
I was having a discussion with a colegue yesterday about the detail window.
it was the first time he was using it. I know, where ahs he been for the last year or so, but he instantly asked me the question, Why is it not live?
i also began to ponder this. I realise that we need to do details as 2d lines aand fills, but surely we would all like to have a detail window live with the option of breaking it into lines and fills just like the section window.
hey, that is it. Why not treat the detail window, just like the section window?

Perhaps it would be dificult for a detail from a section, but from the plan it should not be a problem. it afterall just a section in the horizontal plane.

I would like to be able to do my bathroom and kitchen plans at 1:20 scale live from tha mian plan without having to ahve all sorts of layer combinations.
Karl Barker.

27" iMac 3.6 Ghz Intel Core i9
32 Gig Ram
Mac OSX 10.14.6
AC 5.5 - AC22 (NZE)
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
If it makes you feel any better you're not the first ones to ask this question. Hopefully GS will make details live - until then you are able to right click on any blank area in the detail and select 'Rebuild from Source View'.

This is as close to being live as the detail window gets. It will update to reflect the latest vesion from the source view (ie. floor plan, section, elevation, etc). One point to note is that if you have dimensioned or labeled your detail, this operation will either delete them or make them static, as the rebuild needs to 'dissociate' them from their elements.

Things can be kept live if you work at it.....

For vertical details called from plan, I sometimes use a Section with a detail marker (copy and change the subtype). For plan details called from the floor plan (basically enlaged scale plans) I use the detail tool but don't have it put in the detail bubble text for drawing number and sheet number. Instead, I insert auto-text in the bubble linked to a saved view in the layout space via the "set as autoview reference" command.

The difficulty I have with the detail tool is that it can only automatically reference other details. Why can't it reference ANY drawing in the layout (sections plans etc)?
Nattering nabob of negativism
2023 MBP M2 Max 32GM. MaxOS-Current
Andy Thomson
Chazz wrote:
Things can be kept live if you work at it.....
Exactly. The residential work we do requires wall-sections as the highest level of detail (1:10), so we use section markers and fake detail bubbles (in regular sections) to call these out. Then there is a bunch of 3D detail that we have hidden (by layers) that appears, and a wee bit of annotation and stretchy 2D objects. We are all pleading for live details, someday.....hopefully...
Andy Thomson, M.Arch, OAA, MRAIC
Thomson Architecture, Inc.
Instructor/Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science
AC26/iMacPro/MPB Silicon M2Pro