There is a way to organize them.
Just remember where you created the detail from and start the number with a letter or series of letters to describe where the detail came from.
Like PLN for Plans, SE for Sections, ELV for Elevations, DTL for free floating details.
Then all the details which start with PLN will be grouped and numbered in sequence.
Note that you can change the number of the details as well. However, you can not use a number which already exists.
Also on this issue. If you are making lots of details and for some reason jumping around in the numbering sequence like 300 for sections and 600 for millwork. The detail tool will by default want to use the highest value to start the next number from no matter how you Option Click on a set number. Just keep an eye on the detail tool ID if you do not want the next number it is choosing for you. Again, you change change this number, just not to a number which exists.
I saw somewhere before where it was you which helped to define the difference in the graphics of the details. Right??
Terrence Sturm, Architect
MBP OSX 10.15.4 Quad Core Intel i7 2.2hz
AC 17 build 5019
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AC 24 build 5000