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Part of my wall has disappeared

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I have a building that has two storys. The outer walls are 8.5 m tall (old building). One of the tall walls suddenly has started to fail. It doesn't show at the ground floor, but it shows at the first floor in the 3d view.
At the 2d view the wall seem to have become very narrow at the ground floor, but kept its width at the first floor. The width is greyed out in the property settings box for the wall.
I illustrate this with a picture. At the left you see the settings and the wall at the ground floor. And to the right it is the same for the first floor.
I really hope someone can help me with this akward problem!

David Maudlin

Since your wall is 8.5 m tall, but the first floor is 3.9 m above the ground floor, then this wall is spanning both floors. You will need to check your Floor Plan Cut Plan (which is stored with the View) for the ground floor, the FPCP for the first floor looks ok.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
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Hi again,
I figured out that this problem was caused by a very wide window I had managed to put at the groundfloor. Earlier I tried to put windows at the first floor, but could not find them, so I lost the control. Now i know where they had gone 😐